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Parish Safeguarding Representatives - PSRs



Parish Safeguarding Representatives (PSRs) are volunteers who provide assistance and support to their parish in Safeguarding matters. 

The PSR's role is a very important one because it helps keep our parish communities safe from harm and abuse by creating safe environments where everyone flourishes. The PSR works in partnership with the Parish Priest, Parish Leaders, Volunteers and Diocesan Safeguarding Team to ensure everyone can participate in parish activities happily and safely; especially those considered vulnerable including  children, young people, and adults at risk.

The4 main areas of a PSR's work involve:

  • Reporting and Responding to all Safeguarding concerns
  • Safe Recruitment of volunteers (including DBS applications)
  • Creating a Safe environment in your parish
  • Promote a Culture of Safeguarding in parishes


If you are interested in applying please contact your parish priest. The parish priest will meet to discuss the role within the parish and then email to start the recruitment process.

The recruitment process has four main steps:

1.   Completion of a telephone interview

2.   Clear Diocese of Westminster DBS check

3.   Completion of 5 EduCare online Safeguarding courses 

4.   Completion of a full day of PSR induction training 

Please find below a flowchart showing the steps to becoming a PSR and the PSR role description with the role requirements:


PSRs generously give some of their time to help their parish communities.

Parishes can have more than 1 PSR in place.  The time needed can vary based on the size of your parish, activities schedule and other circumstances. Commonly this will be a couple of hours a week however the role can get busier at certain times of the year.


We know that life circumstances can change at any time and appreciate the commitment of all our volunteers. During safer recruitment process we discuss the minimum commitment.

Once a PSR wishes or needs to step down from the role, we ask that they inform their parish priest and us as soon as possible so that we can search for a suitable replacement or put in place interim arrangements.


PSRs receive regular re-training and are constantly supported in their role by the Safeguarding Team, who are available Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm.

A quick guide to the contact details for each PSR area:

Responding to Safeguarding concerns:

Safe Recruitment of volunteers (including DBS applications): 

Creating a Safe environment in your parish:

Promote a Culture of Safeguarding in parishes:

There is an annual PSRs' Conference to thank the PSRs for the fantastic work they do in their parish communities, to provide Safeguarding updates and an opportunity to network with other PSRs in the Diocese. 

If you are interested in becoming a PSR in your parish, please speak to your parish priest or email us at

Parish Safeguarding Poster & Safeguarding information corner 

PSR Poster - Contact Details:

A safeguarding poster with the PSRs’ RCDOW email address should be placed on the parish notice board, church hall noticeboard or church porch where it is visible to parishioners. 

The Diocese of Westminster provides an editable poster that can be adapted for use in your parish:

Poster for 1 PSR 
Poster for 2-3 PSRs 

We’ve included a space for a photo of the PSRs at the request of some parishes, please note this is not required and can be removed.

The poster needs to be replaced when there is a change of PSR in your parish.

Local and National Safeguarding Services Posters:

An editable poster to display the contact information for your local authority child and adult social services is available here:

Local Services Poster

A national services poster of organisations providing safeguarding support is available here:

National Services Poster

The Department for Education has produced guidance for safeguarding and posters to support delivery of children’s activities, including those within religious settings.

Helping to keep children safe posters
Safeguarding guidance for providers
Keeping children safe during clubs, tuition and activities: summary leaflet
Using after school clubs, tuition and community activities: a parent/carer’s guide

Parish Safeguarding Representatives Training Days 2024

Training days provide PSRs (Parish safeguarding representatives) with appropriate safeguarding knowledge needed to carry out the important PSR role within their parish.

PSR candidates Induction training days - 2025:

Face to Face at Vaughan House, 46 St Francis Street, London SW1P. This training is for new candidates PSRs who will be invited to attend as part of the Induction Process. To nominate a candidate for PSR Induction, Parish Priests should contact Safeguarding Support to provide the PSR candidate's contact details:

  • Tuesday 28 January 10:00-16:00, Vaughan House
  • Saturday 8 March, 10:00-16:00, Vaughan House
  • Thursday 15 May, 10:00-16:00, Vaughan House
  • Saturday 5 July, 10:00-16:00, Vaughan House
  • Thursday 23 September, 10:00-16:00, Vaughan House
  • Saturday 1 November, 10:00-16:00, Vaughan House

PSR Refresher training (for long serving PSRs) - 2025:

This training is for long serving PSRs. The dates for the 2025 sessions will be as follows:

  • Saturday 8 February at Vaughan House, 09:30-12:30
  • Thursday 20 June online via TEAMS, 17:30-20:30
  • Tuesday 7 October, Vaughan House, 09:30-12:30

To register for refresher training please contact

External PSR training sessions:

For more information on Safe In Faith trainings, please see:

For any further assistance with any Safeguarding training, please contact


Thank you to all our valued PSRs for working together with the Safeguarding Service to ensure safe spaces for everyone.