Welcome to the Permanent Diaconate section of the Westminster Vocations website.
Since the earliest days of the Church, men ordained as Deacon by the Bishop of his diocese has served the Church in a three-fold ministry:
- The Ministry of Charity
- The Ministry of the Word
- The Ministry of the Altar
As well as parish ministry, deacons are engaged in a variety of other ministries, including school, prison and hospital chaplaincy.
A man considering a vocation as a Permanent Deacon will have the support of their parish priest, be actively engaged in the life of their own parish, and already be involved in works of service and exercising some leadership roles within this community.
Here you will find a series of articles and reflections, testimonies and practical “What next...” features – all aimed to help those discerning a possible calling to this particular vocation within the Church.
If you would like to know more about the Permanent Diaconate or are considering a vocation, then we we will be pleased to hear from you.
Contact: Deacon Adrian Cullen - Director
07961 594725
Ordinations to the Permanent Diaconate July 2024
On Saturday 6th July at the 10.30am Solemn Mass in Westminster, Paul Hewitt, James Shin and Eze Ugoala where Ordained by Bishop Jim Curry. The Ordination followed more than three years of Formation by the men, which included part-time academic study in Pastoral Ministry and Catholic Social Teaching at St Mary's University Twickenham, and active service in their parishes. Each man was supported firstly by there families, their parish priest, also academic tutors, mentors and spiritual directors.
With traditional hymns and music from Mozart, the three men who initially sat with their families, were called forward to be presented to the Bishop. After being assured of their worthiness to take on ministry as deacons, Bhp Jim gave his homily, urging them to continue to study, complementing their prayer life and life of public ministry.
During the ordination rite, the men resolve to be charitable, faithful and prayerful as they carry out their duties following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, and obedient to the bishops. They then prostrate themselves, as all present call on the help of the saints in heaven to assist the men in their ministry. And again, presenting themselves to the Bishop, who then lays his hands on their heads calling down Holy Spirit, the men are ordained Deacons.
Deacons Paul, James and Eze are then presented with their vestments by their wives, and vested in stole and dalmatic by priest and deacon colleagues. The Bishop then hands them the Book of the Gospels, and declares, 'Receive the Gospel of Christ, whose herald you now are'. Following which, the newly ordained Deacons Paul, James and Eze are greeted by their brother deacons, and applause from all present.
Immediately, the new Deacons are put to work, assisting the Bishop in the celebration of the Mass, as they will do so from now on with the Priests in their own parishes: Paul in Our Lady of Victories, Kensington; James in St John Fisher, Harrow North; Eze in Sacred Heart of Jesus, Holloway.
Before the end of the Mass, the three Deacons brought their wives onto the sanctuary: Paul with Maria, James with Annie, Eze with Jackie. There, Bishop Jim, on behalf of the Church, blessed and thanked the wives for the loving support they have given their husbands in their new ministry.
The Mass of Ordination ended with blessings and the procession to the accompaniment of 'Crown Imperial' by Sir William Walton.
Congratulations to
Deacon Paul Hewitt, Deacon James Shin, Deacon Eze Ugoala,
ordainained to the Permanent Diaconate
by Bishop Jim Curry on 6th July 2024.
Homily given on Saturday 6 July at Westminster Cathedral by Bishop Jim Curry:
Today is a day of joy. Joy for you, Paul, James and Eze and for your wives, Maria, Annie and Jackie.
What a joy too that you are surrounded by your families, friends, fellow deacons, clergy and the people of the parishes of Kensington, Holloway and North Harrow, and this Diocese of Westminster. I know that you, and your wives and families, will have faced any number of decisions on the road to this day. I thank you all for your courage, resolution and faith.
Paul, James and Eze; you have answered the call to serve Christ and his Church as deacons. Today, through the laying of hands and the prayer of the Church we will call upon the Holy Spirit as you are ordained for service in the Church.
2022 National Deacon Assembly: ‘50 years and counting , Permanent Diaconate – past, present….future’ marked the renewal of the permanent diaconate as an active, permanent order of ministry in a changing world, that continues to be “a driving force for the Church’s service or diakonia toward the local Christian communities and a sign or sacrament of the Lord Christ Himself” (Paul VI, Apostolic Letter Ad Pascendum, Introduction).
Held every four years, the next National Deacon Assembly 2026 will be in Birmingham.
For further information on the Permanent Diaconate click on the following links:
Permanent Diaconate in Westminster
Safeguarding in the Permanent Diaconate
Care and Support for Retired, Frail and Sick Deacons
Ordination Photographs - July 2023
Deacon Tito Pereira receives Benemerenti - July 2023
Deacon Anthony Clark wins Barnet Civic Award - April 2023
Westminster Deacons' Retreat to Lisieux August 2022
Candidacy and Ministries - December 2020
Pope Francis - To the Permanent Deacons of Rome - June 2021
50 Years of Permanent Diaconate 1971-2021