Candidacy & Ministries 2020

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December 2020 - Candidacy & Ministries 

A Mass for Candidacy to the Permanent Diaconate, and for the Institution of the Ministries of Lector and Acolyte, was held at the Church of St Edward the Confessor, Golders Green.  The Mass was presided over by Bishop Paul McAleenan, assisted by Deacon Adrian Cullen and Deacon Tony Barter.

Candidacy - this is the first, formal step for formation as a Deacon, and usually takes place in Advent.   As a Candidate, the man having been accepted to the Permanent Diaconate Formation Programme following a rigorous application process, now begins three years of this formal academic study and pastoral training.

Phil Etuk, Jim McLean and Sam Mulira - Candidates for Permanent Diaconate - December 2020


Lectorship - after one year of formal study and pastoral formation, the man is instituted as Lector. During this period his focus is on becoming familiar with Holy Scripture, about which he will preach and teach as a deacon, who is a herald of the Gospel.

Anthony Cecile, Peter Jones, Rolly Leon and David Lawrence - Lectors - December 2020


Ministry of Acolyte - after two years formation, the man is instituted as Acolyte, as he increasingly undertakes his role as assistant to the bishop and priest at the altar.

Ministry of Acolyte - December 2020

Brendan Day and Jason Wingrove - Acolytes - December 2020

Ministries Mass – Permanent Diaconate

Becoming Lector and Acolyte in spite of the pandemic

In normal times the ministries of lector and acolyte are conferred on the men in formation for the permanent diaconate during the summer months. This year, upside down year, it was not possible so on Sunday 6th December Bishop Paul McAleenan came to St Edward the Confessor in Golders Green to confer candidacy, lector and acolyte all the in same service. It was held on the Sunday afternoon so there was enough safe space for each man to bring his family to be in his social distanced bench. In the simplified ceremony gestures such as giving a copy of the scriptures to each man as was called to be lector was changed into each man bringing his own copy of the Bible and having it blessed. The acolytes could not touch the proffered chalice charged with wine but they could come forward to receive their pyx from the tray held out by Bishop Paul. The candidates had their reception for formation confirmed by candidacy in the form of prayers and a blessing. In the accompanying photos Bishop Paul McAleenan is flanked by the assistant directors for the Permanent Diaconate Deacon Adrian Cullen and Deacon Tony Barter. The photo of two men includes the acolytes from Left to Right Brendan Day (St Albans) and Jayson Wingrove (Greenford). The four lectors from left to right are Anthony Cecile (Burnt Oak), Peter Jones (Enfield), Rolly Leon (Feltham) and David Lawrence (Golders Green). The three candidates from left to right are Philip Etuk (West Drayton), Jim McLean (Hampton on Thames) and Sam Mulira (Bayswater).

Deacon Anthony Clark (Director Permanent Diaconate Westminster)