Your support helps us to continue the important work and mission of the Church, spreading the Good News of the Gospel to people across our Diocese and beyond.
Your support helps us to continue the important work and mission of the Church, spreading the Good News of the Gospel to people across our Diocese and beyond.
The Cardinal’s Appeal, built on four key pillars: Youth & Evangelisation, Social Action, Marriage and Family Life, and Catholic Education, supports our local communities and helps some of the most vulnerable people in our society.
Our seminarians work in parishes, schools, hospitals and hospices, as well as prisons, with refugees, and anywhere where a Catholic presence can make a contribution.
This fund is crucial in ensuring that our priests receive the medical care, housing, and support they deserve in their later years.
At Caritas Westminster we work with people on the margins of society, combating poverty, hunger, social exclusion, and human trafficking.
Caritas Bakhita House offers emergency support for victims of human trafficking.
Show your appreciation of this magnificent church by helping to cover its operating costs, keeping it in good repair and vibrant in its welcome to all.
We develop parish youth ministry, support our youth leaders, host events, pilgrimages and retreats, supply resources to youth groups and much more.
The Agency for Evangelisation supports the 'Building Missionary Parishes, Forming Missionary Disciples' across the Diocese of Westminster.
Turning your ideas into a sustainable enterprise with a positive social impact
Unsure about Gift Aiding your donation? Find out more about what Gift Aid is, how it works and if your donations are eligible.
Please consider supporting the Church with a gift in your will. You might like to support your parish, our Cathedral, priests or simply where the need is greatest. Every gift in every will makes a difference.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster is committed to excellent service. We believe that giving should be an enjoyable experience. We work hard to ensure that all of our interactions with current and potential donors are of the highest quality. However if you do have a comment or complaint about our Fundraising, please read our Fundraising Complaints policy and procedure to find out how to let us know about your concerns.