Ordinations to Permanent Diaconate 23rd July 2022 at Westminster Catherdral


In 1964 the Church recognized a need in the modern world for the diaconal role. So
she decided to return to the practice of the first Christian communities and ordain
deacons for life-long service. In 1972 Pope PaulVI stated that the permanent diaconate
should be the driving force for the Church’s service towards the local Christian
communities as well as a ‘sign or sacrament of the Lord Jesus himself who came not to
be served but to serve.’
‘A deacon is ordained to assist the Bishop, and work with his priests, as part of the three fold
ancient ministry of the Church. The deacon’s ministry has a triple focus: (1) of the Word –
proclaiming, preaching and teaching, (2) of the Altar – in Liturgy, and (3) of Charity – in care
of the poor and needy, in activating the Social Teaching of the Church, and in administration
etc’ (Catechism of the Catholic Church n.1571)
‘The deacon in no way diminishes the role of lay people… On the contrary, the deacon’s tasks
include that of ‘promoting and sustaining the apostolic activities of the laity.’ To the extent
that he is present and more involved than the priest in secular environments and structures,
he should feel encouraged to foster closeness between the ordained ministry and lay activities,
in common service to the kingdom of God.’
(Pope John Paul II, General Audience 13 October 1993, Feast of St Edward the Confessor)
‘Have a care also for your deacons, whose ministry of service is associated in a particular
way with that of the order of bishops. Be a father and a guide in holiness for them,
encouraging them to grow in knowledge and wisdom in carrying out the mission of herald
to which they have been called.’
(Pope Benedict’s message to the Bishops in his homily at Bellahouston Park 2010)