On Friday 24
After Mass, and a hastily rearranged picnic thanks to the pouring rain that accompanied our summer day trip, we had a guided tour of the Cathedral. St Albans is a fascinating place, and is home to the shrines of St Alban and St A...
Well here we all are again in Lourdes, all eight hundred of us.  Thanks be to God.   Our first Mass this morning was celebrated in the Grotto itself in the type of conditions the Irish call 'soft'.  Yes, a very gentle rain floated stead...
Emmaus Barnet are setting up shops to support their work to end homelessness, and Becky shares her story about how Emmaus were able to provide help for her and her boyfriend.
The Cardinal concelebrated Mass with a number of local clergy, including Fr Michael Doherty SDS, Fr Vincent Dike SDS and Fr Christopher Luoga SDS from the Stevenage parishes, Canon Daniel Cronin from Knebworth, Fr Norbert Fernandes from Welwyn Gar...
On 18 June, Pope Francis launched  Encyclical Letter on the environment and human ecology. Pope Francis challenges us to consider the kind of world we want to leave to those who come after us. It's not just an 'environment encyclical', it lea...