
St Gregory’s Catholic Science College has been awarded Gold Club status (for the second time) under a scheme set up by the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, to recognise exceptional schools in the capital. The Gold Club is part of the Mayor's drive to boost standards and raise attainment for all schoolchildren wherever they live in the capital.

London’s schools continue to outperform the rest of the country with last year’s GCSE results showing the city as the top English region for the sixth consecutive year.

In highlighting and celebrating schools that are 'bucking the trend', the aim is to inspire even more schools in London to strive for similar academic success and offer them the chance to learn from the Gold Club schools.

Andrew Prindiville, Headteacher, said 'we are delighted that the excellent work of our staff and pupils has once again been recognised by the Mayor of London'.

The Mayor of London Boris Johnson commented: 'Congratulations to St Gregory’s Catholic Science College for its outstanding achievements and for the hard work of its pupils and staff. London schools are going from strength to strength and our Gold Club members are testament to the fact all schools can aspire to attain excellence for all their pupils. The Gold Club is a great platform for schools to share their bright ideas and approaches to enable every one of their pupils to achieve terrific results.'

113 schools have been awarded Gold Club status in 2015, the third year of the scheme. They are being asked to share their good practice through seminars and hosting visits to their school so that other schools can learn from a range of approaches that have delivered success and achieved extraordinary performance of their pupils.