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St Anthony’s School for Girls got stuck into celebrating British Science Week. Budding scientists participated in a range of activities throughout the week, delving into the wonders of science, technology, engineering and maths.

To kick-start the national event, a batch of living eggs were delivered to the school and placed in an incubator. Intrigued pupils monitored the eggs throughout the course of the week before they hatched, leaving the school with seven new residents.

The pupils then also went on a whole school trip to the Science Museum. The week culminated in an exhibition of inventions which were created by the pupils. Pupils of all ages became inventive, designing and building their own creations which would help the environment, made solely from recycled materials.

Head Teacher, Laura Flannery commented: ‘The girls have had a great week exploring the subject of science, they have been highly engaged and inspired by the broad range of activities.’