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Last week, Cardinal Vincent celebrated Mass for the 150th Anniversary of St Thomas of Canterbury Primary School, Puckeridge. The Mass was attended by the whole school, and invited guests included members of staff, school governors, head teachers from neighbouring schools and representatives from the Academy Trust. Also present were former pupils and staff, with the earliest having attended almost 60 years ago.

In his homily, the Cardinal drew the students’ attention to the halo depicted around the head of St Thomas of Canterbury on their school’s banner. He explained that this light is the same light that radiated from the face of Moses in their first reading, which is the light of God’s presence. A halo is also present on their mural of St Francis of Assisi, patron of their academy trust, and all depictions of saints. This halo was a sign which they all had to aspire to so as to bring its light to others.

During Mass, Cardinal Vincent blessed the badges which were given to all who attended to mark the anniversary, as well as an icon of St Thomas of Canterbury and the school’s earliest register from 1903. Afterwards, there was a celebration in the school hall, where a display with artefacts from the past 150 years had been made marking the school’s journey. The Cardinal was invited to cut the cake and everyone sang to celebrate the school's birthday.

See more photos here.