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One of the key activities of the Diocesan Education Service is to provide resources to Catholic Primary schools to assist them in providing  Religious Education to their pupils and help them achieve Attainment Levels set by the Bishops. Pupils learn about our beliefs, our rituals and celebrations, and about those who have lived exemplar lives of faith. 

Over the past two years the resource at this time has focused on both the story of Pentecost (strand one) and the celebration of Mass at Pentecost (strand two). This year, then, the resource material focuses on strand three and those who live according to their faith. Pupils have been asked to identify the actions and practices of people of faith, whom we have named Pentecost People, and how faith informs the whole of their lives. Finally, in the upper school, pupils will be asked to consider how people of faith respond to a particular issue.  

In order to support this learning schools were invited to interview people who were willing to speak about their faith and how it informs how they live.  

The videos below are the gift of those schools who approached people, prepared pupils and arranged the filming. We thank every one of them, pupils, staff and interview subjects, for their generosity and for allowing the voices of these Pentecost People to be heard. 

Acts of the Apostles tells us that after the coming of the Spirit the disciples went out and spoke to the crowd 'as the spirit gave them the ability'. The Spirit is still at work! 

Pupils from Christ the King, Tollington Park, interview Cardinal Vincent:

Pupils from St Vincent's School Ealing interview Mrs Pam Singh:


Pupils from Our Lady Catholic Primary School Hitchin interview Mrs Eileen Dutt.

Pupils from St Dominic's Primary School in Harpenden interview Captain Ralph Walker.

Pupils from St George's Catholic Primary School in Harrow interview Fr Shaun Richards, Assistant Priest at St George, Sudbury.

Photo: courtesy of Fr Lawrence Lew OP.