
The theme of this year’s anti-bulling week was ‘Make a noise about bullying’ and every opportunity was taken to reinforce the message at St Benedict’s School, Ealing. There have been several special assemblies where pupils have been able to put the anti-bullying message into their own words. Stories of bullying have made clear the hurt it can cause, especially online. Cyber-bullying has been a particular focus this year and all parents were invited to take part in an e-safety survey as part of the week’s activities.
Year 8 pupils took part in national competitions to design anti-bullying posters, whilst Year 9 produced the ‘theme of the week’ noticeboard. Pupils wore the blue anti-bullying wrist bands which served not only to show solidarity with the victims of bullying but also act as a reminder of where help and advice can be found.
Peter Allott, Deputy Head at St Benedict’s, said: ‘Our mission of “Teaching a way of living” makes it a particular imperative to deal with bullying when it occurs. By making a noise about bullying this week, everyone in our community has been reminded of the importance of tackling bullying immediately.’