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We announce the sad news of the death of Fr Terence Anthony McGuckin. Fr Terry died peacefully on Wednesday 14 August 2024, in hospital.

Fr Terry was born in Cork, Ireland on 18 May 1950 and ordained to the priesthood in Dublin on 8 June 1980. He had been living in retirement in Coventry.

Condolences are extended to Fr Terry's family and to friends and colleagues and all who knew him in the parishes where he served in the Diocese and in the seminaries where he taught in London and Rome.

Fr Terry's mortal remains will be received at the church of Christ the King, 14 Westhill Road, Coventry CV6 2AA on Wednesday 4 September at 6pm with a Requiem Mass.

The Funeral Mass will be at Christ the King on Thursday 5 September at 12noon with Bishop Paul McAleenan presiding. 

We pray for the repose of Fr Terry's soul with words from the Responsorial Psalm at Mass this evening, the Vigil of The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary:

Your priests shall be clothed with holiness,

your faithful shall ring out their joy.

For the sake of David your servant

do not reject your anointed.

For the Lord has chosen Zion,

he has desired it for his dwelling:

‘This is my resting-place for ever,

here have I chosen to live.

May the soul of Fr Terence, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.