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Bishop John Sherrington, Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster, celebrated his Silver Jubilee on Wednesday 13 June 2012.

To mark his 25 years of ministry a special anniversary Mass took place at Westminster Cathedral. The Mass was attended by the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Antonio Mennini, members of the Clergy and religious communities, the Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire The Countess of Verulam, Mayors, along with a number of parishioners and school children from Hertfordshire where Bishop Sherrington has responsibility for pastoral care.

In an interview preceding the Service, Bishop Sherrington reflected on his 25 years of priesthood, asking those who are considering vocation to “take the risk” and follow their sense of calling.

Bishop Sherrington said: “ Whether your destination is the priesthood or not, through the process of exploration you will discover the deepest desires of your heart. That is, how God is speaking to you in the depths of your being.”

Thinking about his fellow priests Bishop Sherrington advised : “The holiness of our lives is not sealed. It takes constant renewal though prayer, reflection and resting in Christ in order to follow His call which is continuous.”

Looking to the future, Bishop Sherrington said he hopes priests can actively help build solidarity amongst Catholics and those new to the Church. He said that countering rising individuality in society, the Church can remind us of the importance of expressing care, support and solidarity in faith and in action, with others.