Westminster Interfaith is the agency in the Diocese that oversees interreligious dialogue. In its simplest form, Pope St John Paul II described dialogue as 'a way of living in positive relationship with others' (Meeting God in Friend and Stranger (CBCEW), 2010, §2).
Practicing the Church's call to interreligious dialogue can help us to see people of other religions not in opposition to us, but in relation to us. It is a teaching that encourages Catholics to view everyone ‘created, as they are, in the image of God’ (Nostra Aetate, 1965, §5).
Founded in 1981, Westminster Interfaith works to live out this call to promote dialogue, respect and collaboration between Catholics and the followers of other religions in the Diocese of Westminster.
If you are interested in being kept up to date with the work of Westminster Interfaith, including our upcoming events, please sign up for our newsletter here.
Or, if you would like to get in touch with our Interfaith Coordinator, please email westminsterinterfaith@rcdow.org.uk or click here.