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The Agency for Evangelisation is committed to supporting the ongoing spiritual, pastoral, educational and catechetical needs of the people of Westminster, its vision and model of formation being Christ Himself:

'Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart' (Matthew 11:29)

‘Learn From Me’ is the title given to the overall provision of formation for parishioners who are involved or wishing to be involved in the ministry and mission of the parish in areas of parish ministry and catechesis. Formation ranges from short informal sessions in parishes to certificate courses provided by partnership organisations such as Westminster Education Service .

Here you will find information on what the Agency has to offer as well as links to websites and Catholic institutions offering courses at different levels and of varying lengths. As this is an evolving project of the Agency, please check back here for updates.

Diocesan Short Courses

Formation courses for catechists are offered by the catechetical team.  These can be either parish specific or hosted by a parish and open to catechists across the diocese. Details of courses on offer will be available soon. 

Please contact Louise Walton or Anna Dupelycz. 

Certificate Courses

A 2-year course, run in partnership with Westminster Education Service. The CCRS may be able to help you in the important role of parish catechesis. The course gives a basic theological knowledge and we are a supportive and encouraging learning community. It is currently run online.  Catechists seeking information contact Anna Dupelycz

Short reflections on the experience of CCRS from students who have recently successfully completed the course:

"Although the CCRS course has been structured with teachers and catechists in mind, I would highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to learn more about and deepen their Catholic faith.  All of the lectures have been excellent and the assistance received from the diocese regarding funding, access to research materials and study support is second to none.  It has been a thoroughly enjoyable and enriching experience which has given me greater confidence in undertaking parish work." (Adrian,)

The CCRS course has been inspiring and enlightening. It has found me asking questions about Catholicity and deepening my knowledge and understanding.  This has helped to feed into the First Holy Communion programme.  The modules have been well taught by individuals who are passionate and specialists in their field.   I would highly recommend this course to other catechists.“ (Antonella)

"Praise to God for the grace in completing the course .... The sessions were fun, serious and useful in my catechist teaching. You had such trust in me even when I did not have trust in myself.

The lecture content was well organised and focused on practical and real life situation. Intellectually challenging but stimulating and easy to follow. The presentation was great and brought emphasis on important points that became my takeaway for my lessons. The course exceeded my expectations and the topic covered was relevant to my role in every aspect of the church…. the tutorials were ever so helpful as I did find the assignment challenging.

A massive thank you – it’s been an amazing journey with great teachers and support. I am encouraging colleagues and all involved in the church to do the course. I feel more effective and confident to minister in the church - I explain it is for one’s own self-development. I can testify to that!     (Sylvia)

Independent Study

For those considering their own formation, these sites might be helpful:

Liturgy Office of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales

A study guide to Pope Saint John Paul II's landmark document on Catechesis, the 1979 Apostolic Exhortation 'Catechesi Tradendae'

Various topics:
London Jesuit Centre

Liturgical Study:
Society of Saint Gregory (SSG)  

Spiritual Support for Catechists

Reflecting on Saints and Blessèds of Catechesis

This series of reflections has been inspired by an exhibition of banners of 24 saints and blessèds of catechesis from every continent that was mounted during the II International Catechetical Congress that took place in September 2018 in Rome. 

January  St Francis de Sales

February St John Bosco

March St Katharine Drexel 

April  St Pedro de San Jose Betancur

May St George Preca 

June St Jose Anchieta 

July St Clelia Barbieri 

August  Pope St Pius X

September St Andrew Kim Tae-gon 

October St Ursula 

November St Andrew Dung-Lac 

December St Peter Canisius