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Supporting vocations is a responsibility we all share. In recent years more men have answered God’s call in response to our prayers. The visit of Pope Benedict and the renewed inspiration that Pope Francis brings, gives us the confidence that there will be many more vocations in the years ahead.

Our Vocations Director provides support during the early stages of discernment, guiding the men who come forward as they deepen their relationship with Christ and place their trust in the Church to help them recognise Christ’s particular calling for their life. After this initial period, which can sometimes take more than a year, a candidate may be asked to apply formally to the Diocese to begin formation for the priesthood in the seminary.

Your generosity will ensure we can develop new programmes in schools and parishes, provide guidance to the men who believe they are hearing God’s call and ensure they are well formed during their time in the seminary.

Please all those who are in formation in your prayers.