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A new faith sharing resource, Love Divine, has been released by the Agency for Evangelisation that will explore Christ’s transforming grace which is gifted to each of us through the sacraments. The significance and role of grace is often overlooked, but it is vital to our faith.

In the book’s opening pages, Cardinal Vincent says, ‘By his gift of grace, God enables each one of us to enjoy a personal relationship with Jesus Christ: to be united to him, to share in his very life – human and divine.’

He continues, ‘I am convinced that over the twenty-five seasons of faith-sharing that have taken place in the Diocese of Westminster there has been outpouring of grace. The faith of the participants has been nourished and nurtured. Consequently their desire and capacity to witness to the Risen Christ to others has grown.’

The booklet contains six sessions, each containing prayers and a passage of Holy Scripture, a reflection and discussion questions.
As a visual reminder of God’s grace, every session also includes a relevant work of art with accompanying commentary.

Copies of Love Divine are available for small faith-sharing groups or personal meditation and can be purchased for £2 from the Catholic bookshops near the Cathedral or the Agency for Evangelisation (