
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Happy Easter to you all! Eastertide is season of great joy and wonder. Our observance of Lent helps to make it so.

This Lent you journeyed through the latest diocesan-season of faith sharing, which formed part of our celebration of the Year of Faith. During those six weeks you shared your faith and knowledge, prayed and reflected together, took the time to join with others to explore the theme of reconciliation.

I would like to express my thanks to all of those who took part in this season of faith-sharing; but in particular to those who led and hosted groups. Across the diocese dedicated lay faithful do great work in catechesis, liturgical preparation and administration. By this they offer valued support to the ministry of their priests. Small group leadership and membership adds to this rich tapestry.

In seasons past, I am sure that those who have participated in faith-sharing have benefitted from what they have received and from being in a group. I understand that many leaders go to great lengths in preparing for their task – through prayer, researching Scripture, providing additional reading – for this I thank you. So too, many thanks to all those who offer their homes in a spirit of hospitality, echoing the ways of the Early Church.

The Year of Faith, of which your groups form a vital and prayerful part, continues to be a blessing to the Diocese of Westminster.  As we enter the second half of this year-long gift, we look forward eagerly to the autumn season of sharing on the theme of prayer.

May God bless you all.

Yours devotedly,

Most Reverend Vincent Nichols

Archbishop of Westminster