Programme for January to June 2012
In the inspired words of Blessed John Henry Newman, we have all been created by God “for some definite service”. The group is for young adults (18-30’s), men and women, who are actively discerning God’s calling for them in their lives, to discover what is that “definite service”. We come together for prayer with a talk and discussion followed by social time. We meet on the 4th Friday of every month from 7-9pm in the Hinsley Room in Morpeth Terrace, next to Westminster Cathedral.
27 January : “Called to Serve” - Bishop John Sherrington, Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster Diocese
24 February: “Called to be Pure in Heart” - Miss Fiona Mansford
23 March: “Vocational Accompaniment and Spiritualities” -Sr Mary Tomer from the Cenacle Sisters
27 April: “The Virtue of Obedience is essential in every Vocational State” - Fr Matthew Blake OCD, from the Carmelite Priory in Boar’s Hill, Oxford.
25 May: “How to Communicate the Faith without raising your voice” -Mr Austen Ivereigh, Co-ordinator of ‘Catholic Voices’
22 June: “Discernment through Pilgrimage” - various speakers
We also hope to plan a summer pilgrimage - details to be announced!
For further information, please contact Sr Gabi at or Fr Richard at