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"If we don't know who we are, how can we know who we're called to become?" A retreat day exploring the vocation of Man and Woman at St Mary of the Angels, Bayswater, Saturday 17th May 10am – 4.30pm.

A contemplative and interactive day for men and women exploring the vocation of Man and Woman. Is femininity and masculinity a sacramental reality or is matter just meaningless? Do our bodies preach the Gospel or are they merely "matter for our own experiment?" Is gender something we choose for ourselves or has God always had a plan for Woman and Man that evokes His nature?

Explore with the help of speakers, reflection groups and prayer what is at stake if we underestimate the importance of our calling to be male and female. Discover in depth how the Church helps us fulfil our destiny. Share your questions and struggles and help define one of the key areas of debate and struggle today.

For further info, email Fr Richard at or Sarah de Nordwall at

You can register for the event here. There is no charge for the day although donations to help cover expenses are welcome. Please bring something to share with others for lunch.

The day begins with Mass at 10am and ends with a time of adoration and benediction.