
To support those exploring vocations across the Diocese a series of ‘Come and See’ events have been planned over the coming months.  These evenings will help these men to discover more about priesthood in the context of the New Evangelisation and of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangellii Gaudium, as well as an opportunity to meet others in a similar situation, to talk to and hear from priests who have been ordained in recent years, and also a time for prayer and adoration. 

The first event, which took place on 23 January at Our Lady of Mount Carmel & St George, Enfield, was very powerful for participants.

Subsequent Spring gatherings are planned at SS Michael & Martin, Hounslow on Thursday 13 February and the Centre for Youth Ministry in Somers Town on Thursday 20 March

For further information, please contact Fr Graham Stokes, Vocations Promoter for the Diocese of Westminster, at or phone 020 8747 5909. See also