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Our final day in Lourdes began with a Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace; a grace that has been given to many of us over the course of the week, and which we hope to bring home with us to a world in ever greater need of it.  

In his poignant homily, Bishop Hudson noted: ‘The leaving of Lourdes is a time for deep thanksgiving. Thanks for all the graces we’ve received; the insights, the new perspectives, new relationships, the kindness of strangers, the courage of the sick.’ He also invited us, before we leave, to ‘kneel just where Bernadette must have knelt, look up into the niche, and imagine’ Our Lady gazing down at us. 

The Mass, like all our services, was accompanied by wonderful music, and this week’s repertoire has spanned everything from plainchant to world-famous composers and beloved English hymns. Christian Jenkins, a member of this year’s ensemble, reflected: ‘Contributing to the Mass with such an amazing choir really allowed me to see God working, through all people and through their music.’ 

Indeed, at yesterday evening’s gathering, our pilgrim Dwight mentioned to Christian that ‘hearing you sing Our Lady’s words, “do whatever He tells you,” was a highlight of my pilgrimage. I will continue to ponder over it after I return home.’ 

At the end of Mass, the Cardinal led us all in procession from St Bernadette Côté Grotte to the Chapelle de Lumière, where he lit both our pilgrimage candle and one decorated by our Reds and Redlings, aged between 3 and 15.  

Our youngest pilgrims have been very busy this week; praying, having fun, making presents for the infirm and learning to offer the sign of peace in Sign Language; a touching moment in our daily liturgy. Little Christina even collected a scrapbook of prayer intentions from all her friends at school. 

So, having sung a final Salve Regina altogether, we left the candle to burn before the loving gaze of Our Lady, who will hold our intentions before Christ long after we depart. 

The rest of the day will be quieter, with some pilgrims leaving by train, and others taking time to pack, rest, and make last visits to their favourite spots.  

There is no better way to round off our time here than with Evening Prayer, where each of us will echo, in our own way, the words of Our Lady’s Magnificat: ‘The Almighty works marvels for me’ (Luke 1:49). 

View today’s photos here.