'Why the Church? Evenings of Faith' Lecture Series returns


A lecture series run by Faith Movement is restarting in the crypt of Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Warwick Street. The talks listed below all begin at 7.30pm and should last no longer than an hour. All are welcome and admittance is free for all. The nearest Tube station is Piccadilly Circus. For further information, please see www.faith.org.uk

Wednesday 26th February 2014

The Church of Jesus Christ: The ‘ecosystem’ of man – Fr William Massie

Wednesday 12th March 2014

The Church’s Magisterium: Why must it be part of God’s communing with Man? – Fr Mark Vickers

Wednesday 26th March 2014

Why Male and Female? Why the virginal birth? – Fr Hugh MacKenzie

Wednesday 30th April 2014

The sacraments: The sunshine of the soul – Fr Michael-John Galbraith

Wednesday 14th May 2014

The Church as a field hospital – Fr Luis Ruscillo

Wednesday 28th May 2014

The Eucharist: Fulfilling Human Nature – Fr David Standen