
The Ofsted publication of the initial Key Stage 4 ‘RAISEonline’ report for 2015, released 1 December 2015, ranks the school in the first percentile of all schools in the country for the Value Added Progress Measure. This is the third consecutive year that St Thomas More Catholic School, an Ofsted 'Outstanding' school, has achieved this ranking.

Executive Head Teacher Martin Tissot said, ‘This is an exceptional achievement for the school. What is even more impressive is that the results for English and Mathematics are also in the first percentile i.e. in the top 1% in the county. As a DFE designated Teaching School, we are tasked with disseminating good practice to partner schools. I am delighted that our new sister-school, Bishop Douglass in East Finchley has moved into the third percentile this year (top 3% of schools in the country) due in part to the support that we have been able to afford them.’

Mark Rowland, Head of School said, ‘This is clear evidence that all pupils who attend St Thomas More make exceptional progress irrespective of their academic starting point. This is clearly due to the remarkable dedication of all the staff and the hard work of the pupils.’

Mr John Meadows, Chair of Governors, added, ‘As a Catholic school, we are proud to be inclusive and comprehensive, catering for the most able, as well as those who find learning particularly challenging.’

This good news for the school came hot on the heels of the Prize-Giving Evening when Detective Chief Inspector, Marco Bardetti, a past pupil of the school, awarded students prizes for both effort and achievement. A host of special guests were in attendance, including Cllr Ann Walters and Catherine West MP. Proud parents were entertained by a Shakespearean drama extract, ensembles by the school choir and individual musical instrumental performances.