
St Gregory’s Catholic Science College has received a letter from Nick Gibb MP, the Minister of State for Schools, congratulating them on their high achievement in the GCSE exams in 2015. The content of his letter, addressed to Headteacher Andrew Prindiville, reads as follows:

‘I am writing to convey my warmest congratulations to you, your staff and your pupils for your school’s very high standard of achievement in the GCSE exams in 2015.

The percentage of pupils achieving five or more GCSEs at grades A*-C, including English and mathematics, shows that your school is one of the top 100 non-selective state-funded schools in England.

In addition, your school is one of the top 100 non-selective state-funded schools in England based on the percentage of pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate. Ensuring your pupils are achieving high standards of attainment at key stage 4 provides a strong basis for their further education and employment.

Thank you for your work in these important areas of a young person’s education and congratulations to you and your staff for your hard work and professionalism.’

Headteacher Andrew Prindiville said: ‘We are very proud to receive such recognition for the outstanding work of our pupils and staff, which is so ably supported by the parents.’