St Joseph’s Primary School in Camden has been recognised by schools inspector Ofsted as ‘outstanding’ in all categories. The school’s report says children of all abilities make exceptional progress and learning is personalised so each child is able to fulfil their potential.
Inspectors commented that “Every pupil receives the support they need to achieve as well as they can. They make rapid and sustained progress throughout the school.
“Teaching is exceptionally well organised - learning is closely matched to the abilities of all groups of pupils. Teachers plan creatively and imaginatively.
Reacting to the good news, Headteacher Helen Tyler, who was praised for her ‘rigorous, relentless and robust’ leadership, said: “This ‘outstanding’ Ofsted judgement is a tremendous achievement for everyone – children, parents, carers, staff and governors.”
Chair of Governors, Councillor Julian Fulbrook, said: “Under Miss Tyler’s leadership, the school has undertaken a dizzying upwards journey based upon a belief in every single child, rigorous process and exceptional levels of hard work and commitment on the part of all staff.”