
My name is Anushka Binoy and I am eleven years old.
I live in Isleworth and attend St Mary's Catholic Primary School. Recently I passed British Mensa IQ test with a score of 162. I was very happy when I had been accepted to this exclusive society. However, when I realised I had passed with the highest mark possible, I was astounded! Mensa is considered to be the oldest and most prestigious IQ society in the world. Getting accepted into this association was an honour and a spectacular achievement
for me.

On the exam day when I stepped into the test room, I suddenly began to feel nervous as the room was filled with adults. After a few quick notifications, I realised that I was definitely the youngest participant there. However, as the exam began I started to feel less anxious and was able to complete the questions in time. I hadn't prepared for this exam but I wasn't ill-prepared either. I think that the preparation for my 11 Plus exam had helped me in this test.

After the results, I was interviewed by various newspapers, radio shows and the BBC. I don't like to attract too much attention or become big-headed about my achievements. Therefore I am just continuing with my normal routine. My family, friends and my school have all been very supportive of me, especially since the Mensa news.

As a Mensa member, I would like to join specialist groups within Mensa to improve my creative writing skills and to meet some brilliant people. Creative writing is one of my favourite hobbies as I can express myself in a choice of interesting vocabulary. I find great joy in sharing my short stories through my website I am still unsure of whether to pursue my dream as an author or to become a doctor instead.

I am extremely grateful to my parents for letting me have this opportunity and to my teachers for providing continuous support. I believe they all are very proud of me. I would like to say that ‘Everyone has something inside them which will lead them to do amazing things. All they have to do is believe in themselves...’

Headteacher of St Mary’s Catholic Primary Schhol, Farley Marsh, said: ‘Everyone at St Mary’s is extremely proud of Anushka. It is a great achievement to have been accepted into Mensa, and which such a fantastic score.’