Statement from Living Fully 2016: Disability, Culture and Faith – A Celebration
On June 23-26, in Rome, the Living Fully Symposium and Conference co-hosted by the Pontifical Council for Culture and The Kairos Forum, brought together persons with disabilities, theologians, clergy, religious, families, and laity for a four-day conference. We shared our stories, prayed together and explored the personal, pastoral and theological dimensions and implications of disability for people to live fully in the life of their congregations and communities. Our events identified the unique role and powerful witness that the Church can give in making ‘Living Fully’possible for everyone. The presenters and delegates of the conference have developed the following statement that honors the reflections, discussions and themes that arose in the course of the four days. We hope it captures the expressions and voice of the hundred and sixty-five people, who travelled from thirteen countries across the world to participate.
We believe that the Church plays a profound role in the ways that disability impacts and is impacted by all the cultures in which the Church lives and serves.
To read the full report click here.