
For three nights from 9th to
11th March the Questors Theatre, Ealing, was taken over by man-eating plants and dazzling performances in this year’s school production of ‘Little Shop of Horros’ staged by St Augustine’s Priory students.
The monochrome set and costumes, spectacular singing and the homemade Audrey II man-eating plants tied together a moving and hilarious production.
In cross-curricular cooperation, the carnivorous plants cared for by the St Augustine’s Priory Science Department journeyed down to the Questors Theatre in their terrarium and planted themselves in the foyer, waiting patiently for unsuspecting prey.
One audience member commented on the growth of the Audrey II plant using Junior girls as puppeteers, saying it was ‘a stroke of genius’, while alumnae who attended were awed at the confidence and professionalism of the actors.
All the girls involved in the production, whether working backstage or acting on stage were accomplished in delivering a marvellous theatrical spectacular!