
Caritas Westminster has been encouraging parishes to participate in its ‘Love in Action’ engagement programme. This revolves around an introduction to Catholic social teaching as a means to identify and respond to needs in communities.
Over the last three weeks, Caritas development workers have been running interactive workshops for Year 9 students at St Paul’s Catholic College in Sunbury. Students were introduced to the work through six principles of Catholic social teaching: dignity, community, preferential option for the poor, dignity of workers, solidarity and peace, and care for creation. Each theme involved an interactive activity and a link to the work that Caritas is doing in that area.
We were really impressed at how well the students engaged in what can be quite difficult topics, from human trafficking to the issue of loneliness and isolation. At the end of each session, we asked what they would take away and an action that they could make, and their responses have been very thoughtful.
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