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Cardinal VincentCardinal Vincent and the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales have added their voice to the call for Catholics to participate in the democratic process in the upcoming May elections by first of all, voting, and then secondly, keeping in mind the teachings of the church and especially Catholic Social Teaching on a range of issues including the preferential option for the poor. 

A CSAN (Caritas Social Action Network, umbrella organisation for key Catholic charities and diocesan Caritas') and CAFOD Election Resource has been produced for use in parishes and small groups highlighting a few, important issues Catholics may wish to reflect on when they are considering how to cast their votes.

It also includes some pointers of how to find out more about who you may be voting for and the process and forms of wider participation possible. 

Hard copies are available on request through

IMPORTANT - Voter Registration has changed - you must register individually!