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Students from The Douay Martyrs Catholic Secondary School were recently guests at St. James’ Palace courtesy of British Airways and The Air League. The reception was to celebrate a training programme developed with the specific purpose of encouraging more people into aviation, especially those who would not otherwise have had the opportunity. The Air League educates young people about the world of aviation and it’s importance and to get them involved as much as possible in this exciting environment.

Originally sixteen students from The Douay Martyrs Catholic Secondary School were taken up in gliders on a taster day. They were also taught interview skills and, following a rigorous interview day at the British airways Waterside Headquarters, successful applicants were chosen to take part in the ‘Gliding to Solo Scholarship Scheme’. The confidence of the students grew as they covered a range of manouvers from spins to stalls – one student,  Rupinder Loyal, even flying solo!!

– Price Philip speaks to Rupinder Loyal, a student at The Douay Martyrs Secondary School



The celebration began with all students receiving certificates followed by a speech from the Duke of Edinburgh as patron of The Air League. Adding to the excitement was the unexpected call from space from Captain Tim Peake who had himself received an award for his work encouraging young people to get involved in aviation.

The Head teacher of the Douay Martyrs Secondary School, Mr. Tony Corish, said ‘I am delighted to see so many of our young people engaging with such exciting and challenging pursuits. They are a credit to the school and I wish them well in the world of aviation should they decide to embark upon a career in this field.’