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Cardinal Vincent welcomed about a hundred new Catholics, accompanied by their families, friends, priests and catechists to the Vigil Mass of the Seventh Sunday of Easter, 11th May 2024, at Westminster Cathedral. These new Catholics were received into the Catholic Church at Easter in parishes throughout the diocese, alongside others who were not able to attend this Mass. 

In his homily, Cardinal Vincent said, 'Today we remember that in baptism we are bound to Christ, joined to him. We remember that in the Church we are his Body. We remember that the Body and the Head are one, they cannot be separated. And so we recall the great proclamation that ‘Where the Head has gone, there the Body is sure to follow’. This is our good news.'

The Mass was enriched by the performance of Mozart’s Missa Brevis in F Major, sung by a visiting choir: Southwell Minster Chorale.

The Mass was preceded by a reception and talk by Fr Chris Vipers for the new Catholics in Vaughan House, hosted by the Agency for Evangelisation. After Mass, the Cardinal and other priests who concelebrated the Mass met many of the new Catholics and their guests in the piazza.

Please keep all who were newly received into the Church in your prayers.

Photos: Louise Walton