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The Location Base measures energy consumption from the Grid, which comes from a variety of sources, and therefore has the carbon intensity of the Grid as a whole, regardless of what is purchased by the diocese.

The Market Base has a lower carbon intensity. Energy sourced from renewable sources is rated as zero, whilst the carbon produced from other suppliers is not. These figures are based on assumptions on the properties which the Diocese of Westminster owns but are commercially let, and therefore the Diocese has no control over purchase and usage of energy.

The Charity’s journey towards decarbonisation is progressing as it focuses on gathering data, education and programme formation across the diocese.

In February 2023, the diocese hosted a conference for parishes on reducing their carbon footprint, which included practical steps on how to achieve such a reduction, as well as detailed steps on how to decarbonise a building. The conference was opened by Cardinal Nichols, with an introduction to Laudato Si’ presented by Bishop Sherrington.

During 2023, the Charity began a programme of ecological surveys of parishes, to assess their carbon footprint and highlight specific ways on how to reduce it. These surveys will help the Charity to develop a more detailed plan as it looks to lower its carbon footprint in line with its commitments. A total of 28 parish surveys were completed during the year with a further 10 parishes proactively seeking energy saving advice. The programme is continuing and will, over time, cover all parishes.

In collaboration with other Catholic organisations, the diocese organised a Mensuram Bonam conference, in September 2023, at which the majority of Catholic institutions in the UK were represented. Part of the agenda was devoted to a discussion about the implications of holding investments in companies that produce fossil fuels. Delegates left better informed about the challenges involved in making a decision about continuing to hold these investments or to divest altogether.

  • In comparison to the baseline year of 2019, carbon produced from Location Base usage has declined by 6% and Market Base
    usage by 25%.
  • Of 193 parishes in the diocese 180 (93%) are currently purchasing green energy.
  • The above information only includes parishes that are consolidated in the annual accounts.
  • 2023 transport fuel usage not yet available.
  • Energy consumption is calculated using data supplied on utility bills.