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On 17 November, Bishop John Sherrington visited the London Oratory School to bless the new library dedicated to St Philip Neri and a new statue depicting Mary with a teenage Jesus.

Bishop John praised the 'creatively designed redevelopment and refurbishment of the Main Building' where the library is located. 

Of the surroundings in the library, he noted: 'As we look around we see the depiction in art and focus on the virtues, the various quotations from the beatitudes, Cardinal Newman and other great Catholic and Christian writers. These will help the pupils to be imbued with the spirit of the school and deepen their knowledge of the classics of the Christian tradition.'

Turning his attention to the new statue, he said: 'It is unusual and creative and invites us into the relationship of Mary and Jesus as well as the relationship between mothers and their sons, especially in that stormy period of puberty when independence is sought and parents have to learn to give their children ever more freedom.'

Turning his attention to the students, Bishop John said: 'It is my hope that this statue will inspire deep meditation on the relationship between Mary and Jesus and ponder the enduring love between parents and their children which is at heart of family life. I pray that it will inspire pupils to follow the example of Jesus in sitting, listening, and questioning their teachers so that learning may be deepened. As Jesus grows in conviction of his call and God’s Will, so may this statue inspire pupils to discover their vocation and the ‘definite service’ into which God is calling them. I hope that it will provide consolation to mothers and parents who may not understand their children as they mature and become adults.'

The full homily can be read here