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On Wednesday 15 May Bishop John Arnold, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Westminster, visited the year 13 students at Convent of Jesus and Mary Language College, Willesden Green for the students’ Leavers Mass. The Mass was concelebrated by Fr Stephen Willis, parish priest of Our Lady of Willesden.

In his homily Bishop John Arnold spoke the challenges, other than their imminent exams, which the students face, including relationships with parents and learning more about who they are. He was also keen to remind the young ladies “you all have great talents and gifts and the potential to make the world a better place.”Bishop John also stressed the value of faith to the school leavers, saying how it would help them better understand themselves and affirm the principles by which we should live our lives.

Bishop John also spoke to the parents, teachers and others present “I ask you to pray for these young ladies, pray for their every success in the time to come.”

After the Mass Bishop John distributed the leavers’ certificates to the students who will be taking their A levels over the coming months.