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The Catholic Children’s Society (CCS) recently marked the milestone of distributing over £1 million of emergency funding to support families in need.

In 2013 CCS launched their ‘Crisis Fund’ in the Diocese of Westminster to provide immediate help for families facing a crisis in their lives.  Over the years this initiative has supported over 11,000 children, parents and carers.  Schools and parishes apply for support on behalf of families, and the charity responds within 24 hours.  It has proved so successful that CCS now has dedicated Crisis Funds operating in the Diocese of Westminster, Southwark Archdiocese and Arundel & Brighton Diocese distributing over £100,000 each year.

To mark this £1million milestone, Bishop Jim Curry and Bishop Richard Moth celebrated a special Mass at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Church in Kensington on 16th October 2024. In his homily, Bishop Jim spoke about the profound impact of the Crisis Fund, praising the difference it had made and the hope it had given to so many vulnerable families in our communities. 

During the reception afterwards Greg Brister, CCS CEO, thanked generous individuals, parishes and schools for supporting the Crisis Fund over the years.  He said:

'For many families who are working hard and managing to get by, a single catastrophic event can turn their world upside down.  Whether that is a health diagnosis, the death a family member, or any number of other unexpected events.

'Often what these families need is immediate practical support to help them keep their heads above water and get back on their feet. That is exactly what our Crisis Fund does…

But it is not just the practical support that families value.  They often tell us that what means the most is knowing they are not alone with the issues they face and that there is a community around them that cares… It is this that can lift them up and give them a real sense of optimism and hope for the future'.

A number of school staff also spoke at the reception about the impact of the Crisis Fund.  Chris Andrew, Headteacher at St James the Great Catholic Primary School in Thornton Heath, said:

'Knowing that we can call up when we’re worried about a family and the Catholic Children’s Society will respond straight away is incredible. I am so grateful to all who support this vital work.'

The Catholic Children’s Society (CCS) is a charity that provides a range of services to help disadvantaged children and families.  They are one of the largest providers of mental health services to schools in Greater London and have over 50 counsellors and therapists working onsite in approximately 70 schools.  They also provide early years education and family support, including offering emergency assistance for families in crisis.  

CCS works with children and families of all faiths and none; they aim to help those in greatest need so they can overcome the challenges they face, achieve their potential and have better chances in life.