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A reflection for the Feast of St Josephine Bakhita by Karen Anstiss, Manager of Caritas Bakhita House

Looking at this photograph makes me smile.

The beautiful quilt the baby is lying on took our guests, volunteers and staff many hours working together to create. It was stitched together with love and laughter. A new concept for many women around the table, doing something together, sharing precious time, creating not only a beautiful item but weaving into their own memories a new time of laughter and togetherness, that they can cherish forever.

The baby in the corner represents all that is good in life, new starts, untarnished memories, love and hope for a better life ahead. Josephine Bakhita herself was trafficked before she was even 10 years old. Her childhood was dominated by misery and violence, she would forever carry 133 scars, a permanent reminder of what had happened. But she, like our new born baby, started a new life. She became a sister, rising above the pain she had suffered, finding peace in her life and grateful she had found God.

For all those enslaved around the world we will pray today and all days that they find a better life, free of exploitation and full of dignity and love. Our freedom to make choices and live life in the way we want to is actually priceless, it’s a gift not everyone has.

Happy Feast Day!

Read the Cardinal's Homily for the Feast of St Josephine Bakhita here.

To find out more about the work of Caritas Bakhita House, read their 2023 End of Year Report