Bakhita House Christmas message: 'Christmas is a time to celebrate new beginnings'

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By Karen Anstiss

Christmas time has many different meanings. But most of us know that Christmas is connected to a birth!

Caritas Bakhita House is about new beginnings too.

Freedom from exploitation brings many hurdles to overcome. It is a new journey which is not easy, a journey towards taking back control and achieving a life without fear and pain.

The eight babies born here at Bakhita House have brought love, hope, and joy, not only to the mothers, but to all our guests, staff and volunteers. They bond us all, no matter where we come from, bridging the gap between different cultures, ages and faiths. Their innocence spreads expectations of a brighter future, often changing the way we see life ahead. The future is no longer a journey full of despair but one where we can achieve, a challenge to be taken on with a new determination. They inspire community spirit through their tolerance of others and kindness to all.

As we see them grow, we remember that life has often had unimaginable times of hardship, violence and evil, but they show us life in a different light. It is this life that we want for them and one that we all want for each other. Everyone can have a life worth living with the help of others. As the babies need their mums to help them develop and grow, we all need other people to help guide us through life.

They bring our small community together and from this comes laughter and love. This is often the best form of medicine to help those who have suffered start to recover and prepare for their journey ahead, towards freedom without control.

Christmas is a time to celebrate new beginnings. So from all at Caritas Bakhita House, may we wish you a peaceful festive season and a wonderful 2020.