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by Deacon Adrian Cullen

Ware Parish set out to use its Growing in Faith funds to re-build its parish centre, under the guidance of Fr John Gray. Parishioners were very generous in their support, contributing towards the £400k needed to build the new hall. The hall serves as a place where parishioners can gather after weekend Masses, and where the Children’s Liturgy is held on Sunday mornings. Faith sharing groups, mothers and toddlers, youth group, the Union of Catholic Mothers, and Justice & Peace are just some of the groups that also meet in the comfortable surroundings. The large room can be split in two with dividers, allowing more than one group to use it at the same time. It can also be used as one large room and, with the new kitchen, is a great venue for events such as quiz nights, children’s parties and the annual Fair Trade wine tasting evening!

A key aspect of the new parish centre, to meet with local conservation area requirements, was that it should be in keeping with the existing church building, which is faced with semi-knapped flint. This was done to such a high standard that the parish beat six other competitors for the Ware Society Town Award 2018. The award was accepted by Fr John Gray, now retired, and Fr Charles Cahill, Parish Priest.