Marriage Care - relationship counselling

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We were established as a charity in 1946 to support families in the Catholic community whose relationships came under stress after the trauma and upheaval of World War II. Our President is the Archbishop of Westminster. Over the decades our counselling service has grown to serve all communities enabling them to experience the benefits that healthy couple relationships bring to individual lives, families and to society.

Relationship Counselling: All relationships have ups and downs. Sometimes, though, things can get a bit stuck and it’s hard to find a positive solution. That’s when help from a skilled couple relationship counsellor can make all the difference. We deliver relationship counselling through one or more 50-minute sessions delivered by the same counsellor every week. They are confidential within the limits of the law and client safety. Clients are given a weekly slot at the same time each week and it is theirs for as long as they need it or as agreed with their counsellor (the average is 9-10 sessions).  Please click HERE to go our website

All of our counsellors have gone through a formal selection and rigorous training process, with ongoing professional development and regular supervision to ensure good practice standards are maintained. The counsellors are trained to use Emotional Focused Therapy (EFT) which draws on adult attachment theory. As an organisational member of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) we are bound by its Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy and subject to the Professional Conduct Procedure for the time being in force. 

The relationship counselling service is provided on a ‘donation only’ basis, apart from a one-off registration fee of £15 to secure a place on our waiting list. Couples that have attended PTA/FOCCUS in the past are given priority.

We will never turn anyone away because they cannot afford to give very much but we do ask all counselling clients to give a donation before each counselling session.  All our counsellors give their time and expertise on an entirely voluntary basis.