A SIGN LIFTED UP AMONG THE NATIONS: Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Church and the New Evangelisation
Monday, 29 July – Friday, 2 August 2013
Belsey Bridge Conference Centre, Ditchingham, Norfolk
This year to be celebrated as a Year of Faith to mark the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council. Significantly, the first document of the Council was Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. It was a sign of the growing maturity of the Liturgical Movement which had developed over the 20th Century, and the effect of the document were seen across all Churches.
The principles, directives for reform, and ideas of Sacrosanctum Concilium continue to shape how we celebrate the liturgy today. They provide the source for differing understandings of the liturgy and how liturgy should be developed. The week together gives the chance to explore those guidelines. The week includes a full programme of talks, workshops, seminars and liturgical celebrations, as well as opportunities for rest, recollection and socialising.
However the document is about more than the fine details of the Church’s worship: it is about the Church itself and its role in the world. In Sacrosanctum Concilium can be seen the seeds of the New Evangelisation, the proclamation of the gospel to the people of today: a sign lifted up among the nations.
The Summer School is being led by Martin Foster of the Bishops' Conference Liturgy Office and Fr Peter McGrail.
Martin Foster - Liturgy Basics. A chance to learn or revisit some essential principles of the liturgy. What are the main building blocks and how do they fit together?
Fr Peter McGrail - Sacrosanctum Concilium. An opportunity to reflect on each day’s keynote talk in more depth and explore the document and its implications in more detail.
Stephen Dean - Singing the Psalms.’…any which way you can!’ Settings and skills to enable singing of Psalms in a variety of contexts - accompanied, unaccompanied, experienced or inexperienced cantor.
Andrew Wright - Accompanying the Liturgy. How do musicians, accompanists, and instrumentalists encourage both the singers and the assembly to sing and pray the liturgy?
Caroline Dollard – The Welcoming Space. How to use space effectively to create a prayerful environment that draws people into worship.
Alexander McCabe OSB - Chant. The Monastic tradition of Plainchant. A chance to develop skills in reading and singing chant in both English and Latin.
Frances Novillo - Music Leadership in the Parish. Looking at the role of the Music Leader at Mass, working with the singers and musicians, and within the parish community.
Fr Allen Morris - The Lectionary. Exploring the Lectionary that we use – a session for readers and all interested in the Word.
Mgr. Tony Rogers - Lay Presiding. Parishes are calling on lay people to lead prayer in a variety of situations including funerals. What are the issues that this raises and what are the skills necessary to lead prayer?
For further details and booking form go to www.ssg.org.uk