The Holy Father declares that the gift of the Indulgence ‘is a way of discovering the unlimited nature of God’s mercy. Not by chance, for the ancients, the terms “mercy” and “indulgence” were interchangeable, as expressions of the fullness of God’s forgiveness, which knows no bounds’ (Spes non confundit, 23).
Therefore, during the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025, the ‘Court of Mercy,’ entrusted with all matters concerning the granting and use of indulgences, has established these guidelines to help the faithful embrace this unique grace and render spiritually fruitful the practice of the Jubilee Indulgence (Spes non confundit, 23).
The below guide provides a simple outline for the faithful in the Diocese of Westminster to obtain this plenary indulgence, without the need to travel to Rome or other pilgrimage centres around the world.
indulgence step-by-step guide.pdf
1. Understand What the Jubilee Indulgence Is
The Jubilee Indulgence is a gift of grace granted by the Church. It involves the remission of all temporal punishment due to sin for those who are:
- Truly repentant and free from attachment to sin.
- Purified through the Sacrament of Penance.
- Nourished by Holy Communion.
- Praying for the Pope’s intentions.
The indulgence can also be applied to the souls in Purgatory.
2. Meet the General Conditions
Before completing any of the specific actions to obtain the Jubilee Indulgence, ensure you meet these general conditions:
- Go to Confession to be purified of your sins.
- Receive Holy Communion with reverence.
- Pray for the intentions of the Holy Father (these prayers may include one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and a Glory Be, but any prayer for the Pope’s intentions suffices).
These conditions must be fulfilled within 20 days before or after completing the indulgenced act.
3. Choose How to Obtain the Indulgence
You may fulfil the Jubilee requirements in any of the following ways:
A. Make a Pilgrimage to a Sacred Jubilee Site
In the Diocese of Westminster, the following sites have been decreed as Jubilee Churches:
You can obtain the indulgence by visiting one of these locations and:
- Participating in Holy Mass or other liturgical celebrations (e.g., the Liturgy of the Hours, the Rosary, or the Way of the Cross).
- Spending time in Eucharistic adoration and private prayer. Include:
- The Our Father.
- The Profession of Faith (Apostles’ Creed or Nicene Creed).
- Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary (e.g., Hail Mary).
B. Perform Works of Mercy or Penance
The Jubilee Indulgence can also be gained by acts of love and sacrifice, including:
Corporal Works of Mercy:
- Feed the hungry, visit the sick or imprisoned, or assist those in need.
- Dedicate time to volunteer work or offer financial support to charitable causes.
Spiritual Works of Mercy:
- Pray for the living and the dead.
- Comfort the afflicted, forgive offences, or patiently bear wrongs.
Friday Acts of Penance:
- Fast, abstain, or refrain from unnecessary distractions (e.g., reduce use of social media).
- Offer donations or time to benefit others in need.
Each visit or act of mercy allows for obtaining a plenary indulgence, provided the general conditions are fulfilled.
C. Participate in Special Jubilee Activities
Attend spiritual exercises, such as:
- Parish missions.
- Catechetical sessions on the Second Vatican Council or the Catechism.
- Formation activities hosted in your local parish or diocese.
D. Obtain the Indulgence Without Travelling (for the Sick, Elderly, or Confined)
For those unable to leave their homes or attend celebrations due to illness, age, or imprisonment:
- Recite the Our Father, the Profession of Faith, and prayers for the Holy Year (e.g., prayerfully reflecting on the Pope’s messages for the Jubilee).
- Offer your sufferings or hardships in union with Christ.
4. Repeating the Indulgence Act Daily (Optional)
The indulgence may be obtained once per day. However, if you perform an additional act and receive Holy Communion again, you may obtain a second indulgence on the same day, but this can only be applied to the souls in Purgatory.
5. Receive the Papal Blessing
On a special day designated by Cardinal Nichols, the Papal Blessing with the attached plenary indulgence may be imparted. Participate in this celebration to receive this extraordinary grace.