Parish & Deanery Talks for the Year of Faith

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One of the effective ways to respond to the invitation for the Year of Faith might be to combine parish resources on a deanery and area basis in organising and delivering a series of talks on exploring the themes suggested by the Year of Faith advisory board. The following themes might provide a more systematic framework for the adult faith formation in the parish:

  • What is faith and how we believe?
  • Celebration of Faith: Sacraments
  • Life in Christ– Morality and social outreach
  • Prayer – Our Father

The Agency for Evangelisation will help parishes with the planning of the talks on the deanery/area basis. The prospectus will be prepared with a simple guide on how to organise the talks, suggested topics and prospective speakers. The Agency will help to liaise with the speakers, prepare publicity materials (posters, postage and electronic advertisements) and will contribute towards the speakers’ expenses on a need basis. The aim of the project is to encourage deaneries/areas to have at least one series of talks per deanery within the Year of Faith.

The talks in the parish can range from one off to a few series depending on parish priorities and availabilities to provide hospitality for people from the neighbouring parishes. If your parish is interested to host a series of talks for the area and deanery, we look forward to hear from you. 

How to organise talks?

Parish and Deanery talks feedback form

Year of Faith: Speakers profiles and areas of expertise

General list of speakers

General list of topics

Listen to previous deanery talks

1. Towards A Civilisation of Love: Man and Women He Created Them - theology of the body by Edmund Adamus

2. Towards A Civilisation of Love: Smart Loving - The Gift of Self in Marriage by Edmund Adamus

3. Towards A Civilisation of Love: Virtues of Life - Raising our Children in Christ by Edmund Adamus

4. Celebrating Paul in the Pauline Year: Conversion or Call? the 'revelation to Paul' on the Road to Damascus by Fr Peter Edmonds SJ

5. Celebrating Paul in the Pauline Year: A letter to all'  his earliest and best? The First Letter of Paul to the Thessalonians by Fr Peter Edmonds SJ

3. Celebrating Paul in the Pauline Year: The power of God for salvation: the Gospel of the letter to the Romans by Fr Peter Edmonds SJ