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The Archbishop of Westminster has presented 'Pause for Thought' on the Chris Evans programme on BBC Radio 2 on Tuesday 1 February 2012.

The Archbishop applauded the ‘500 Words’ campaign recently launched by Radio 2. This competition challenges children under 13 to write a story in less than 500 words. The Archbishop applauded this campaign, saying he admired the ability of people to condense a whole story into a 140 character tweet and acknowledged the way in which a good author is able to choose the right words to make us feel part of the story being told. Well chosen words, the Archbishop said, can change the way we see the world.

The Archbishop went on to explain how we, as Christians, connect with 'the word of God that became flesh and dwelt among us' . It is not surprising, the Archbishop said, that this simple truth is at the heart of the Christian tradition. All the words that God could have used came to life in one person so that we may see and understand. Jesus is the love and truth of God made visible, so that we may know what it is to be loving and forgiving and act in this way too.

Prior to his 'Pause for Thought' reflections, the Archbishop was thanked by Chris Evans for inviting him to the Christmas Carol Concert at Westminster Cathedral which he attended with his wife and mother.

You can read what the Archbishop said here.