Lourdes International Mass

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Given at International Mass, Lourdes in the Basilica of St Pius X on 29 July 2015. 

My brothers and sisters, at this International Mass we come from many different places and speak many different languages. But there are some important words which we all understand and treasure. 

The first is the word 'Jesus'. Each of us knows this name. Sometimes we whisper the name of Jesus. Sometimes we say it aloud, or sing the name of Jesus. He is our Lord, our Master and we want to be with him, follow him. We are his disciples. We rejoice in the name of Jesus. This name fills us with joy because we know he loves us. And we love him. We know what St Paul proclaims when he writes, 'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved'.

The second word we know is this: 'Credo', 'Credo', Credo!' We have the gift of faith. This too is our great joy. We believe! We believe in God our loving Father; we believe in the Holy Spirit dwelling within us; we believe in the forgiveness of our sins; we believe in the promise of life everlasting with God in heaven. 'Credo! Credo! Today we thank God for those through whom we received the gift of faith. Please think of them now. Their names, their faces. They have led us to Jesus; they have taught us his words and his ways. We pray for them, whether living or departed. We rejoice that in the family of the Church we are still united with them.

The third word we know is this: 'Ite, missa est.' Like the first disciples we too are sent out. We hear these words: 'Go, this is your mission.' We, in our turn, are to proclaim the name of Jesus, helping others, by word and example, to come to know and love him. This is our mission. And we accept it with joy!

One last word that we all know: 'Amen.' 'Yes!' 'So be it!' 'I will do this!'

My brothers and sisters: Jesus, Jesus. Credo, Credo! Ite missa est! Amen!