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Given on 6th September 2024 for the Mass of consecration of Caroline Teehan to perpetual virginity.

I am sure many people have asked Caroline what prompted her to consider becoming a consecrated virgin. Perhaps some of us are still wondering. There is only one answer to that question, she was prompted by the Holy Spirit. Caroline is becoming a consecrated virgin because God has called her. All vocations have their origin in heart of God. You did not choose me, I chose you. 

It can take time to recognise a call from God.  He plants the seed and the one in whom the seed is planted is not immediately aware what is happening to them. They experience a longing, a desire, a restlessness within themselves, the seed is growing. Gradually the plan God has for the one he calls becomes clearer, it takes shape. The one who has been chosen know they will not have any peace unless they follow where God’s spirit is leading them. 

Caroline is here today because God has called her. Caroline may also have been asked ‘why a public ceremony’?  ‘Why have your decision blessed by the Church, why not simply make a private vow in the silence of your heart?’. The answer ? because the state of consecrated virginity she is entering today is not hers, it belongs to the Church. She is entering this state not for herself alone but for the Church. Among the followers of Jesus Christ Caroline will have a particular role.

There are many Religious Orders in the Church, each being established to reflect and emulate an aspect of the human life of Jesus. Those who were inspired by Jesus, a man of prayer, established monasteries, churches and convents and devoted themselves to a life of prayer.  For those who looked upon him as one who healed the afflicted, curing the blind and lame built hospices and hospitals that they might too care for the sick. Others  remembering he was teacher founded schools and universities to teach and educate. Today the Church is still involved in those good works.

There is no one way to reflect and follow the majesty and beauty of Christ. There are countless ways. Consecration Virginity is a very particular way, it speaks of total giving of body and soul, of offering oneself, giving oneself completely.  Not everyone can do what she is doing.  Caroline is able to do so because God have chosen her and given her the grace. 

In our ceremony we will use symbols associated with marriage.  Caroline will be draped with a veil and a ring placed upon her finger a ring, she will become a Bride of Christ, married to him. In her own person she will be a living sign and a reminder of what the Church is. The Church is known as the Bride of Christ. Consecrated Virginity is not a rejection of marriage, nor is it a decision to remain single and unmarried. Instead, it is as St Pope John Paul the second said a profound ‘Yes’ to Christ. In love she will freely give herself to Christ our Saviour.

Consecrated virginity is a gift, it comes from God.  In accepting it Caroline is making a gift of herself to God. In making this gift of herself as Consecrated virgin she will give witness to the boundless love of God for humanity and remind us that love for God can find expression in many different ways. Dedicating one’s life to God through a virginal state reflects a heart that is true and undivided.

We speak of the Church as the Bride of Christ and also as a Mother. The Church united to Christ nurtures, nourishes and cherishes her children. It may seem like a contradiction but Caroline as well as being a Bride of Christ also takes on the role of a Mother. Her witness and example nourishes and nurtures our faith. 

Among the commitments Caroline takes on this evening is a promise to pray, to build prayer into her daily life. In doing so she will safely and steadfastly keep alight the flame of love and will bring many graces into the world.

In the Church’s liturgical calendar are included the Feasts of four virgin martyrs, Cecilia, Lucy, Agnes and Agatha. We celebrate them in the two months either side of Christmas. Those four women are seen as lighted candles but Christ is in the centre, the Light of the World. Caroline, in prayer you will keep Christ at the centre acknowledging him as the one who gives life and life in all its fullness.

Tonight you carried a lamp.  In that action we are reminded of the five wise virgins who kept their lamps alight as they waited for the bridegroom. The light you held in your hand was symbol of your desire to pursue everything that is good, pure, worthy and true. Christ whom you are marrying tonight accepts the offering of yourself. He is the greatest good, he is always faithful, he will never desert you. 

In the Gospel of St Luke we read that whenever Elizabeth conceived unexpectedly ‘her neighbours shared her joy’. Caroline, we share your joy this evening, thank you allowing us to share your joy. We congratulate you but we also thank you, as you respond to God’s call in faith you bring hope, love and joy into the world. 

Pope St John Paul the Second speaking to Consecrated virgins said ‘Love Christ, the reason for your life. Return Christ’s love with your total and exclusive love’.  In being consecrated to a life of virginity you are making Christ and his Kingdom your first love. 

We thank Jesus for all the varied ways there are to live a dedicated Christian life, tonight we rejoice as you take him for your betrothed. May you always find delight in his company.

Header: Mary Hennessy Photography