Adult Confirmations at Westminster Cathedral July 2016


Given at the Mass celebrating Adult Confirmations at Westminster Cathedral, on the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 10 July 2016.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, to be confirmed this evening,

In the sacrament of confirmation, by the laying on of hands and the anointing with sacred Chrism, the Holy Spirit will be bestowed upon you in a new and deeper way; you will be confirmed in your faith and sent out as witnesses to the compassion of Christ in the world. 

The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit will be given to you to enable you to be witnesses to the goodness of Christ in the midst of all your activities, relationships, families and places of work, so that by your word and action you will proclaim to others the hope that is in your hearts. As the Decree on the Laity at the Second Vatican Council said, ‘… the laity likewise share in the priestly, prophetic, and royal office of Christ and therefore have their own share in the mission of the whole people of God in the Church and in the world. They exercise the apostolate in fact by their activity directed to the evangelization and sanctification of all people and to the penetrating and perfecting of the temporal order through the spirit of the Gospel… they are called by God to exercise their apostolate in the world like leaven, with the ardor of the spirit of Christ.’ (AA 2) 

The celebration of the sacrament of confirmation is a reminder to each one of us that our gifts have been given by God for this mission.

At Pentecost the apostles were empowered by the Holy Spirit; their fear was changed into courage, and they were sent out to do the Father’s will. Today you too will be changed, sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, and brought into a new relationship with the merciful Father and Jesus Christ who is present to you and walks with you.

Let us reflect briefly on the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the light of the Word of God today:

St Paul opens the second reading with powerful words which reveal that Christ Jesus is the image of the unseen God and first-born of all creation. Christ Jesus looks at those he meets with a gaze of mercy that burns into their hearts so that they turn to him. Likewise for us, we recognise our need of his mercy, and then by hearing his words and watching his deeds, grow in knowledge of the Father and see Christ more clearly, love him more dearly and follow him more nearly. In this sacrament, you become full members of the Body of Christ, the Church, with Christ as her Head. Love the Church and grow in love for the mystery of the Body of Christ whose members you are. The sign of the cross made on your forehead at the anointing is a reminder that you are to model your life on that of Jesus Christ and live the paschal mystery and share in Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection. The gifts that God has given you are to be used to build the Body of Christ and bring the compassion of Christ into the world. 

You will receive the gifts of piety and the fear of the Lord. These gifts will help you to live in a right relationship with God the Father and remind you that you are utterly dependent on his merciful care and love. The response to the psalm invites us to trust in the promises of God to his people: ‘Seek, the Lord, you who are poor, and your hearts will revive.’ The psalm reminds us to pray earnestly and regularly for our needs and the needs of the world. Pray fervently each day for the gift of the Holy Spirit and ask for his help: ‘Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love.’ 

The gifts of wisdom, understanding and knowledge help you to know the truths of faith and to imitate Christ in all that you do. Jesus the Good Shepherd leads you to the Father and invites you to love God and your neighbour. In today’s gospel the lawyer comes to Jesus and asks him a question which is in the heart of each one of us: ‘Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus reveals to us the merciful Father who seeks out those in need and is compassionate towards them. As a witness to Jesus Christ, you called to be merciful and compassionate and model your life on the example of the Good Samaritan. His attitude and example are much needed at this time when many people’s attitudes are hardening towards the stranger and the needy in our midst.

The gift of counsel helps you to know what is the good and right response to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in each and every moment of your life. This gift perfects the virtue of prudence that helps you to desire and know what is right and good to do here and now. In the first reading Moses tells his people to ‘Obey the voice of the Lord your God, keeping those commandments and laws of his that are written in the Book of this Law’ and that this will give them life. In the same way the gift of counsel perfects your action and helps you to follow the teaching of the Church as the Way of Life.

The gift of fortitude helps you to carry the actions that you know are right and good. The Holy Spirit gives you the gift of courage to stand out and proclaim the message of Christ and reveal his compassion to those around you.

As you renew the promises of your baptism, pray for these gifts that you may be faithful witnesses of Christ in the world and leaven for the common good of all people.