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Following the fire that engulfed Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on 15th April, Cardinal Vincent wrote to the Archbishop of Paris Michel Aupetit to express solidarity and reassure him of the prayers of the people of England and Wales. In his message, the Cardinal writes:

'We have watched with shock and deep dismay the tragic fire which has so utterly damaged the beloved Cathedral of Notre Dame. Our prayers and tears have mingled with those of your people, and of people all over the world who recognise in Notre Dame a symbol of enduring faith and hope in our Heavenly Father, in  his Son Jesus Christ and in our Blessed Mother, Mary.

'The Cathedral of your Diocese of Paris has long also belonged to our entire human family as is shown by the huge number of people who go into the Cathedral year after year. Your tragedy is ours also.

'Now I promise you the prayers and support of Catholics in England and Wales and, I am sure, of all people of good will in our countries. We offer our sympathy and support in prayer to the people of Paris and our deepest desire that Notre Dame should rise again to watch over your City and all its people.

'With my fraternal and warmest greetings at this deeply emotional moment,

'+Vincent Nichols
Archbishop of Westminster'